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Re: [Amps] amp reading

To: Amplifier Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] amp reading
From: Alek Petkovic <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 15:26:44 +0800
List-post: <">>
I use 5 Watt wire wound resistors of 0.1 and 0.22 Ohms and series/parallel a heap of them up to get the desired resistance/power dissipation level.
You gotta overkill on the power rating because you don't want them 
getting hot and you often can't mount them in a cooling air stream.
73, Alek.

On 24/01/2015 7:17 AM, wrote:
This discussion of single and multi-tube amps has been interesting. I learned a whole lot 
by finding (AG6K Richard Measures site including kits for suppressors on 
various amps) and Charles T. Rauch Jr. sites (what a station!). I put one of 
Rich's suppressor kits in my Dentron MLA-2500 "basket case" amp trying to 
improve it. I'm not proud of my 'construction' technique (read the whole instructions 
before starting) but I'm sure it helped. One of the things I wonder about is how you add 
a resistor to the filament lead since it seems it is going to have to be about 0.2/0.4 
ohms or so at high current. Maybe a wire but that can add inductance so I was never clear 
on that. I suspect my Dentron could use that mod but I haven't done it yet.
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From sunny Binningup, Western Australia.

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