What other currently manufactured full legal limit amplifiers exist? I'm
really not up to date on which are still being made! I thought that Alpha
is pretty much the best known. At least here in Chile the only relatively
new full legal limit amps I get to see are Alphas, and when people drool
about a quality amp, they think Alpha. There are a lot of hams using old
amps, most of them with voltage doublers, and I have also seen a couple of
lower power, lower cost Ameritrons and the like, and several 1kW Japanese
amplifiers of the well known brands, such as the Kenwood TL922. But I
can't remember right now having seen any other 1500W, new tube amplifier.
Something will pop up! ;-)
The Ameritron AL-1200, AL-1500, and AL-800 will all do 1500W+ in SSB and CW
contest duty. The AL-82 uses the same PS as the first 2 and is claimed a
1500W amp but its really not for all bands.
Palstar and QRO Technologies have 1500W amps also in the US. I dont know if
Ten Tec will field a big amp again.
Australia has Emtron and there are several in Europe with excellent to
mediocre reputations. Acom is becoming the primary choice of contesters,
serious DXers, and DXpeditions due to reliability, made in Bulgaria.
The Chinese have some serious amps but no US certification yet that Im aware
of. Once they get going watch out! They are already taking over the tube
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