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Re: [Amps] Source for replacement PS caps

To: "David Harmon" <>, <>, "'Amps'" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Source for replacement PS caps
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:28:57 -0400
List-post: <">>
You dont need anything that high in capacity, the 270uF 450V carried by Ameritron and also in the MFJ catalog will do just fine. About $13.50 last time I looked.

Availability is probably going to be the problem....
Check with Ten-Tec....if they no longer use them...ask for a recommendation.
Check with Henry Radio....they still have screw terminal lytics.
Recently I serviced a Henry 3KD with screw terminal caps from Henry.


David Harmon
Sperry, OK

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [] On Behalf Of Steve NR4M
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 12:43 PM
To: Amps
Subject: [Amps] Source for replacement PS caps

Hello all,

Figured it was time to re-cap the PS for my Ten-Tec since they are about
25 years old.  The amp hasn't been used in a while so you just know what
will happen if I DON'T re-cap it before I use it.

I really don't want to change (mechanically) the way the originals are
mounted in order to use a different, possibly more available, cap.

Looking for suggestions on sources other than the 'usual' (Digikey, Mouser,

These caps are 400 MFD x 450 VDC, 85 degree, with screw terminals on top.
Terminals appear to be #10, with a 1/2 inch spacing. Dia is 1 3/8 inch and
length is 5 5/8 inches, or so.

100 degree would be nice and the capacity can be +/-.

Any input would be helpful.  I just don't want to pay $25 per cap if I can
find similar for $15.

73 de Steve, NR4M

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