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Re: [Amps] Bird Slugs

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Bird Slugs
From: DGB <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:10:39 -0500
List-post: <">>
You guys were right on. The coax had a bad connection at the end of the coupler but when the coupler was removed, it flexed the coax differently to make a good contact.
Thanks much!

73 Dwight NS9I

p.s. nice hvg the bird back agn! ;-)

On 7/17/2014 3:37 PM, Steven Katz wrote:
You can certainly test Bird slugs, and they can be calibrated also.

However the slug makes no direct contact with the thruline section, so if the 
slug detector was open, shorted or defective it wouldn't cause any problems in 
operation other than the meter won't indicate (or indicate properly).   The 
only thing that could interfere with actual operation of the line is a bad 
coaxial connection at one of the thruline section connectors, such as the 
prongs in the center contact have separated too widely and now the connector 
isn't making contact.

I suspect if you remove the Bird coupler from the line entirely, you'd still be 
seeing the same problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Amps [] On Behalf Of DGB
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 1:30 PM
Subject: [Amps] Bird Slugs

Is it possible for bird slugs to go bad?  It's a 2500H and the most power 
that's ever hit it was 1800w. I have the line coupler installed on my alpha's 
output and all of a sudden getting big-time reflected power indications on the 
91b thus shutting it down. Don't have another to substitute so is there a way 
to test them?

thanks 73 Dwight NS9I
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