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Re: [Amps] GS23B Plate load resistance for HF

To: Amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] GS23B Plate load resistance for HF
From: Alex Gavva <>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 16:46:29 +0200
List-post: <">>
Dave and All,
GS23b is the greatest Russian tube, it is not so known as GS35b, GU74b or GU84b due to its socket, it is impossibly
to find industrial ones and it is very hard to build GS23b quality socket.
These tubes were wisely used in TV TXes on 400-600MHz, my friends , who worked there told that these tubes easy worked 1.5-2 years there
in cont, regime of course.
Russian hams used these tubes on HF exeptionally rare, they had many other tubes with ready sockets ( GU43b, for example). More info abt GS23b efficiency on 2m, 70 cm and 23cm you can find here: Mats, KD5FZX built 1kW 23cm PA with GS23b, but only 1 pcs form 5or 6pcs was able do it.
 UR4LL QRO Parts :

Dr Alex Gavva
UR4LL, KO70xg

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