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Re: [Amps] Alpha 78 blowing fuses only in "Band pass" mode

To: "Paul Jansen" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Alpha 78 blowing fuses only in "Band pass" mode
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 14:04:34 -0400
List-post: <">>
I would consider the electrolytics may becomin leaky and in the bandpass mode the PS is drawing enough extra current. BTW, you wont see leakage current on the meter.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Jansen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 10:33 AM
Subject: [Amps] Alpha 78 blowing fuses only in "Band pass" mode

During the recent Volta RTTY contest, my Alpha 78 popped the 15 amp line
fuses while running about 1200 watts in "band pass" mode on 40 meters.

I replaced them and kept an eye on the meters as I slowly brought up the
drive again. I saw no indication of anything wrong on the panel meters but
it blew them again right away even before reaching 1000 watts.

So I tried 20 meters band pass - no problems.

Then I went back and tried 40 meters in manual tune mode - no problems.

SWR on 40 is well below 1.5:1 - and I didn't notice any indication of arcing
- but maybe...

So, it would seem that I have something going on in the band pass circuit
but what?  I haven't taken it apart yet to have a look but I'm not really
sure what to look for - other than maybe loose solder connections and such.

I thought it would be a good idea to see if there may be some past history
of issues in that area of the 78.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


Paul / NO9C

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