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[Amps] Neutralizing push-pull amp

To: Amps List <>
Subject: [Amps] Neutralizing push-pull amp
From: B Osburn <>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 10:23:33 -0600
List-post: <">>
Neutralizing push-pull amp
In pictures I see about a 2” long rod about 1” from the tube plate.   How do 
you tune it?  Keep making the rod longer/shorter?   How do you arrive at the 
initial location? This is for a pair of 4CX1500Bs: 2750V Plate, 225V Screen, 
-34V bias on the grid, Class AB1, 160M-20M.  
Brad AB0YD                                        
Amps mailing list

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