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Re: [Amps] Expert 2K

To: Paul Christensen <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Expert 2K
From: "Joe Giacobello, K2XX" <>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 11:26:41 -0500
List-post: <">>
I've owned a 2K-FA for about 14 months now and it has been literally trouble-free. (It was delivered with one of its six output ports inoperative. The US distributor offered to repair it for me while I was visiting the Orlando Hamcation, but I declined the offer. I didn't need the additional port and didn't want to drag the unit down to Orlando, although it weighs only 44 pounds and comes with a carrying case.)
I can't comment on the QSK performance because I never use it.  While I 
admit my hearing isn't what it used to be, I do not find the fan noise 
very noticeable at all.  I have the fan set to routinely come on when I 
switch from STANDBY to OPERATE.  My only objections are that the key 
down time with 1,500W output is about 10 seconds before it reverts to 
the next lower output level (1,000W) and that there's no service manual 
available. However, I have never had a problem in routine CW  I can't 
seem to locate the data that I generated regarding downward power drift 
on lengthy transmissions, but my recollection is that it wasn't very 
serious and amounted to 25-50W and stopped after the first few seconds 
of transmission.  (I should point out that the overwhelming proportion 
of my operation is CW.)
The local distributor, Expert USA, is located in Texas as is the service 
guy.  The Steppir Antenna folks were the original distributors but 
severed the relationship for unknown business reasons.  These units seem 
to be very popular in Europe and, from what I can gather, the 
manufacturer is having no problems selling them.  Admittedly, they ain't 
cheap: about 7200 USD.
73, Joe

On 3/4/2013 11:26 AM, Paul Christensen wrote:
I saw the SPE 2K amp at last year's Orlando Hamcation. Overall build quality is excellent -- like the smaller 1K-FA. SPE has addressed the QSK problem that plagued early 1K units although they appear to be using frame relays rather than vacuum types. When the amp is engaged in Tx, the T/R relays operate so that the coils are not energized and use the NC contacts. This, in attempt to better the relay's activation time instead of using a coil accelerator circuit.
I have no issues when using the higher quality frame relays, but my 
first choice is either a vacuum relay or PIN diodes, despite predicted 
inferior lifetime of the vacuums and the care required with PIN 
design.  SPE was considering a vacuum option but I'm not sure that 
Fan noise remains a concern although I believe they're using a 
high-volume solution across the heat sinks.  Output power with my 
1K-FA decreases by ~10% as the PA decks heats up.  Not a big issue but 
that's an area of improvement needed with all commercially made 
solid-state amps.  Their fault circuit design is excellent.  
Essentially more than a half-dozen sample points are continuously 
checked and summed.  Any fault immediately deactivates MOSFET bias and 
writes to an error log.
It's nice to have the instant-on power of the 1K-FA but its no 
substitute for a well-designed VT amp.  I'm using a PIN diode 
"wrap-around" circuit as described on my page.
Paul, W9AC

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Thomson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 11:04 AM
Subject: [Amps] Expert 2K

Interesting in that they list even less specs than the Icom.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Baldock" <>
To: "Jim Thomson" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] 813 efficiency

Checkout the Expert 2K. Full legal limit even on 6M. A piece of beauty to

- Paul KW7Y
## I was sure that array solutions sold these amps... but not listed.
How much do these amps cost ?

##  Being made in italy,  I would be leery of buying into a gong show,
if problems arose, or warranty work had to be done..or if parts not available
years down the road.....or if they went outa business. .

##  I see no IMD specs. What is the imd3 and imd5 ?

later... Jim  VE7RF

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