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[Amps] Commander 2500 Magnum

To: "AMPS Reflector" <>
Subject: [Amps] Commander 2500 Magnum
From: "Sellers" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 14:50:55 -0600
List-post: <">>
Thank Jim VE7FO and Do KI6SZ for the help.  My schematics were pre 2009 and 
were missing a few parts, 20 meter diode for the RFC relay was missing.
I found that Choke Relay connector was not seated on the Tuned Circuit Board.  
I unsoldered the 160-40 meter RFC and checked the vacuum relay.
The relay was operating correctly, I removed AC input, coil 70 ohms and the 
contacts were good.

I had problems with 20 Meters not tuning about 2 years ago but the problem went 
away.  When I replaced the TUNE cap I tightened up every thing.
I did notice that the band switch was not stable, so I tightened it as best I 

I’m getting ready to give it a full test with the covers of.  I just wanted to 
thank you both

Art W3TZ
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