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Re: [Amps] Silly article on mixing tubes and transistors.

To: "David Kirkby" <>, "amps" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Silly article on mixing tubes and transistors.
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 10:29:43 -0400
List-post: <">>
We all know the arguments about the merits of tubes vs transistors for
high power. An article I read says:

"Producing high levels of microwave power for transmit purposes has
often invited debate over whether solid-state or vacuum-tube devices
are better suited to the task. The MTA2000 series of microwave power
modules (MPMs) puts such arguments to rest"

When you read it, you discover this range of amplifiers combines a
solid state preamp with a travelling wave tube (TWT) power amp in the
same box. Not exactly earth an earth-shattering combination of

I wonder if they they have been granted a patent for such ingenious
use of technology!

Dave, G8WRB.

Considering the high gain of a TWT and that they have been using SS drivers (external) since the 70's I only see the lower voltages of the TWT used as a technology boost. Low noise SS drivers have been around for decades and just keep getting better, putting the driver in the amp box just shows the mindset of those who developed that took 40 years to come up with it!!
Ive a pair of Varian TWT's from the 80's that can run around 15-25W on all 
the ham bands from 3.3 to 24GHz direct from SS transverters. In the late 
90's I was selling a 24GHz amp module that ran +30dBm out with a -10dBm 
drive. These were rejects from the company I worked at that couldnt make the 
output spec of +30dBm minimum from 21-25 GHz but could be peaked at one 
frequency. Many were driving TWT's for EME.
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