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[Amps] Alpha 8410 Pics

Subject: [Amps] Alpha 8410 Pics
From: damon stewart <>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 14:36:53 -0800
List-post: <">>
Just received my Alpha 8410 last night.  Took a few photos while I had the
cover off installing the transformer.   I posted the photos to my
photobucket album for those who love to look at the insides as much as I do.

So far I am really pleased and impressed with this amp.  Nice small quite
and capable package filled with quality construction.   I wont have time to
do much testing until next week but just some preliminary tests 33 watts in
= 1500 out 0.8 IP,  47 watts in = 2050 out 1.1 IP no illumination of ether
the green or red gird current LED's yet.  There is a lot more headroom left
in there.   Initial audio reports indicate NO perceptible EBC distortion
products, very clean audio.

Damon Stewart, KJ7E
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