Well, that is basically true - but not absolute... They also made tapped tank
coil ham models (per my shaky memory though I never owned one) and I
specifically know that they made high power single band models and even fixed
frequency models for industrial and government orders, etc. because I have
worked on them and/or ran my hands over them while drooling.. Radio Dan would
be a source for info...
In the Ultra and Classic series they do use a roller coil (which in the
motorized ones takes forever to go from 160 to 10 :) but they used the
aforementioned solenoids with hand made contactors to select the tank capacity
and to change the resonant frequency of the plate choke...
One of the reasons my 3K Ultra sits idle these days is that in contesting as a
single op I am allowed rapid band changes in some contests - the motorized
roller is too slow when the bands are open from 40 through 10 at the same
My comment to Hsu was to merely point out that in designing an amp there is an
alternative method to the traditional monster band switch... If he finds the
comment useful, great... If not, <shrug>
On the issue of a change of ownership in China, I am good to donate a couple
crates of ammo...
denny / k8do
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