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[Amps] al1200 tuning slugs?

Subject: [Amps] al1200 tuning slugs?
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 00:51:01 -0700
List-post: <">>
ok, dumb question but I can't find a schematic, and there seems to be nothing 
on the web.

There are 6 holes in my al-1200 for apparently adjust the slugs on the coils on 
the input tank circuit.
I've not opened up the covering for this section (behind the bandswitch) so am 
not sure.

I can adjust 160/80/140/15 (with a hex tool) and the swr looks good
I can't seem to find a slug inside the hole for 20 but the swr is okay.

I can't seem to find a slug inside the 10m hole, but the swr is bad.

I'm assuming there's supposed to be slugs for 10m and 20m?

has anyone adjusted an al-1200 input tank?

I'm wondering the 20m and 10m slugs are just way deeper to reach, or not there, 
or somehow the slugs are missing in my 
amp or ?? I'm assuming there must be coil/slug per band??


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