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[Amps] Driving an 8877

Subject: [Amps] Driving an 8877
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 07:12:57 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <">>
There are 2 typical ways to drive an 8877 tube along with bias.  There  is 
the method where the bias is fed through an RF choke to the cathode and the  
RF is fed though the block cap to the cathode.  In this case some designers 
 do not use a filament choke.  Sometimes some do however.   Then  there is 
the other method of connecting the cathode to one side of the filament,  
filament voltage then must be fed through a filament choke and the bias is  
applied to one leg of the filament voltage before the filament choke.  The  RF 
is then fed through the block cap to the cathode/filament junction.   Some 
designers seem to prefer one way over the other depending on who it might  
be. Question is, does there seem to be any advantage one over the other?   
Obviously both methods work but just wondering the thoughts on one way over the 
 other.  Anybody have their preference?  Thanks  Lou
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