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Re: [Amps] Subject header

To: 'AMPS' <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Subject header
From: "Dr. David Kirkby" <>
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2010 09:55:57 +0100
List-post: <">>
Jim Monahan wrote:
> After reading your several postings about this subject,
> and with someone of your level of education, I, for one,
> find this topic inconsistent with anyone that has any
> level of intelligence.
> I don't mean to be unkind but I find this unfathomable
> to be an issue for anyone.

OK, that's your view.

> Apparently the rest of us can successfully read between
> the lines and this, therefore, becomes truly a non-issue!
> If it is such a chore, than maybe you should leave the reflector.

I do not intend doing that. I have been a member for many years.

> You can't expect a group of people to be so detailed as to accommodate
> the "wishes" of one person.

It is not the wishes of one person. I've had a couple of emails from others 
agreeing with me. Most however have not put their comments on the list. I 
them to do so.

Constantly changing the subject line is not the normal way for people to reply 
to emails or posts. I'm not saying there is an appropriate IEEE or ISO 
but replying to a message, leaving the subject in tact, is very common 
Very recently 'amps' seems to have departed from that.

People often sort emails by subject, to enable them to find all the posts on a 
particular subject. It is undoubtedly one of the options on your email client, 
but is less useful if someone changes the subject line.

Likewise, when searching for something with Google, people can come across an 
archived copy of 'amps' of something of interest, and then do a search on the 
subject to find all the discussions on the topic. That is also impossible if 
subject is changed.

If you search the amps archives, you will find it possible to find all the 
on one thread. That again becomes less useful a new thread is started.

Thank you for your comments.

> Jim, K1PX
> <>

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