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Re: [Amps] Changing the subject line unnecessarily

Subject: Re: [Amps] Changing the subject line unnecessarily
From: "Dr. David Kirkby" <>
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 08:58:53 +0100
List-post: <">>
Carl wrote:
> Most of us have no problem making on the fly mental adjustments especially 
> if the new subject line better explains the subject.

Which is rarely the case. For example, the question about "Powering up after 
several years" was changed to "Powering up 3K". While the original poster had a 
Henry 3K Premier, the fact remains that the content was just as relevant to 
  items of ham kit, not just a Henry 3K Premier, so I fail to see how changing 
the subject line improved matters.

> PhD's OTOH........ We all have our favorite stories about them (-;
> Carl
> KM1H

Perhaps you can explain how these three Subject headers explain the subject 
better, since this particular PhD can't work out why.

* LCR meter
* LCR mteter
* lcr meter

Since posting this, we have another two subject headers:

* More LCR meters  and measurements.
* More LCR mters  and meaurements.

And just to make it even harder to follow, some people are using

## someone else wrote ...

to indicate what they are resonding to. Why the hell they don't set their email 
client to use the less than sign (<) like almost everyone else, I do not know.


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