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Subject: Re: [Amps] UNBUILT SB 220 SOLD...I CANNOT TELL A LIE!
From: Roger <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 22:56:48 -0400
List-post: <">>
Jim Barber wrote:
> IMHO, people will collect just about anything - it has little to nothing 
> to do with usage.
> My dad and I used to collect unfired Colt handguns, if they met certain 
> criteria. (model, production dates, history, factory customizations, 
> etc) We didn't fire any of them, with the exception of one I bought 
> specifically as a "shooter". After he died I sold both his and my 
> collections because it wasn't fun any more.
> The value of an item to a collector generally has to do with rarity and 
> condition, as well as (in some cases) being part of a group. People will 
> tell you it's about investment but I personally don't believe that's 
> true, since only a percentage of collectible items bring more at sale 
> than what was originally paid.
Yah but the presentation model 45's are worth over 10X what they sold 
for.  I've seen some of the original limited issue 45's sold through the 
NRA go for well over $5,000 even in these financial times.

Wish I still had the two Colt Pythons I had at one time.
> People collect guns, postage stamps, strange-looking dolls - just about 
> anything you can imagine. Why not rare or unique amateur radio items?
Get your estate lined up with like minded collectors so it'll sell for a 
reasonable amount.

There was a mailman (I've forgotten his call other than it was a W8) who 
lived about 30 miles West of here who reportedly built one of 
"everything" produced by Heathkit. If true that included some pretty big 


Roger (K8RI)
> My .02 USD, adjust for your currency as appropriate.
> Jim, N7CXI
> Dave White wrote:
> But what do you do with an unbuilt kit? Look at it?  Keep it as an 
> investment? Build it and lose half the value?  If it's the last option 
> then do you regard it as paying $xx per hour for entertainment?  A 
> premiership soccer game here in the UK probably costs about GBP40 - 
> perhaps GBP80 in London (Londoners typically have more money than sense) 
> and that's for 90 minutes' entertainment.  Building the vintage SB220 
> would probably cost less per hour...
>  >
>  > What would motivate you to buy such a thing? I'm not being 
> judgemental, just interested.
>  >
>  > Perhaps the building is the fun....
>  >
>  > Dave G0OIL
>  >
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: "Jeff Blaine AC0C" <>
>  > To: "Van K7VS" <>; "AMPS" <>; 
> "Bill Fuqua" <>
>  > Sent: 31/03/2010 20:43
>  > Subject: Re: [Amps] UNBUILT SB 220 SOLD...I CANNOT TELL A LIE!
>  >
>  > You will get it Van, I believe.  New unbuilt kits are nearly 
> non-existent as Bill says.
>  >
>  > 73/jeff/ac0c
>  >
>  >
>  > --------------------------------------------------
>  > From: "Bill Fuqua" <>
>  > Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:17 PM
>  > To: "Van K7VS" <>; "AMPS" <>
>  > Subject: Re: [Amps] UNBUILT SB 220 SOLD...I CANNOT TELL A LIE!
>  >
>  >>    There are some people that want a new antique. I have spent more than
>  >
>  > [truncated by sender]
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>  > Amps mailing list
>  >
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