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Re: [Amps] Building 833 Amplifier. Hints and Suggestions?

To: "Paul Christensen" <>, "AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Building 833 Amplifier. Hints and Suggestions?
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 11:19:44 -0400
List-post: <">>
>> The FCC is happy with 375W carrier and doesnt get fussy about modulation
>> index as long as it stays within its allocated splatter.
>> Actually the FCC doesnt bother anyone on AM as long as they are clean.
>> There are loads of 1KW converted BCB rigs and even larger homebrew.
> And probably the reason why Array Solutions, Alpha, and N8LP seem to
> recognize a market for 5KW+ wattmeter couplers.   If ops are utilizing 1KW
> AM broadcast transmitters to their full potential, they certainly need 
> those
> upgraded couplers when the FCC power rule is being ignored.
> Paul, W9AC

Id say that the huge majority of illegal power stations are using over the 
counter or homebrew amps on SSB/CW.  A pair of 3CPX1500A7's, 3CX3000A7, 
YC-156, and up, plus big Russian tubes seem to be the weapons of choice 
these days.  I hear many on SSB bragging about their amps year after year.

AM is a miniscule minority of HF operations and a miniscule minority of them 
are running big amps. The battle over the FCC 1500W PEP AM rule still rages 
with many openly defying it.


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