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Re: [Amps] [ham_amplifiers] Sweep Tube Amp

To: AMPS List <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] [ham_amplifiers] Sweep Tube Amp
From: "David C. Hallam" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 11:50:53 -0500
List-post: <">>
Toll Free wrote:
> David,
> Are you getting a 'blue glow' from the tubes on key down RF output? 
> Voltages all OK?
> The 6LQ6 6JE6C AND 6MJ6 are interchangeable. The 6MJ6 actually HAS an RF 
> rated tube version. It is easily found out by having two plate 
> connections, and the anode structure is BLACK, and the anode cap is as 
> well. Problem with them is this: Mucho Cout and Cin compared to the 
> other tubes. Easily tuned out by adding slight amounts of L to the anode 
> lead of each tube.
> Oh yeah.. What are you DRIVING it with? Those amps had a LOT to be 
> desired in the tuned input department... As a 'test', I rebuilt a 1x2 
> amp, 12JB6 into pair of 8950s. Stock, carrier level was about 25 watts, 
> MAX! Pulled the drive tube, built a tuned input for it, it now makes 400 
> PEP 9driven to saturation), with the same radio as driver before. You 
> MIGHT be getting swr foldback... Another example is my SB220 on 11 
> meters... The TS440SAT will foldback HARD on mod peaks, netting me about 
> 400 watts PEP, MAX. I turn on the tuna in the radio, 1200 pep. So, if 
> you are using a solid state exciter, I'd look at input match FIRST! 
> Most, if not all, of the multi sweep tube amps had little to NO input 
> network, designed around and to be used with tubed exciters that can 
> provide the necessary Q needed to keep the newer exciters happy.

I am driving it with a SBE-33 which is the companion transceiver that
this amp was designed for.  It solid state except for the driver and
finals, a pair PL-500's.  It will put out close to specified output into
a 50 ohm dummy load.  The input of the amp is untuned, a bank of
resistors, and operates AB1.  Over the weekend I will do more investigating.

The amp has output and plate current meters.  When I was getting 1.2 mA
on the plate current, the output meter was reading very low.  This is
what I would expect when the inline watt meter was reading only 150W.  I
am using my Collins 312B-4 speaker/watt meter to measure output.
Unfortunately a 250W slug is the largest one I have for my Bird 43.  I
am going to put the Bird between the transceiver and amp to check input.

BTW this is not a CB amp.  It was designed for ham bands.  I was trying
to tune it at 14.25 MHz.
> One thing that DOES make me fear your tubes is that you CAN get plate 
> current right up there, they have emissions left. EL509s and other tubes 
> work well, too... A friend in SoCal is reworking them to .ru tubes now.
> Orr's radio handbook has tuned input values in it for a Q of 3 or 4, I 
> forget.
> FYI, the amp I redid above has ORIGINAL PAL marked tubes in it, they do 
> 100% plus. I'm redoing a Johnson CB next, plate modulated and moving it 
> to 10. If it works, I'm going to do 1 for 75M AM :)
> If ya need \ want anything in particular, feel free to ask... I know 
> most of the CB.... I mean Sweep Tube amps pretty well... Made a living 
> converting them to newer tubes a few years ago
> --Toll_Free
> sent from my cell phone
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: David C. Hallam <>
> Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 05:55 AM
> To: AMPS List <>;
> Subject: [ham_amplifiers] Sweep Tube Amp
> I recently acquired a sweep tube amp and I got it for nostalgic reasons.
> This is my first experience with one of these beasts. It is the
> Side Band Engineers matching amp for an SBE-33 which was first phone rig
> I bought after I got my general class in 1964.
> Anyway, I had to do some work on it before trying to put it on the air.
> It uses 6 - 6JE6's. I see that 6LQ6's are often shown as
> interchangeable. The amp came with 5 - 6JE6 and 1 - 6LQ6. Are they
> really mixable?
> The output is very low. With a single tone drive, it loads to 1.2 amp
> which is spec and seems to be peak output point too. However, the
> output is only about 150W. Is the tube mixture a problem or are all the
> tubes just soft or both? I shudder when I see the price of 6 - 6JE6's.
> Of course, the manual says to use matched sets which is probably
> impossible these days.
> David
> --
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