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Re: [Amps] Not the Diacrode

Subject: Re: [Amps] Not the Diacrode
From: Roger <>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 22:09:19 -0400
List-post: <">>
John Lyles wrote:
> The Diacrode is a decent high power UHF tube, it is a double-ended tetrode, 
> but it has the same transit time effects as a similar "bottom" circuited 
> tetrode. It merely allows placement in the center of a resonant circuit 
> instead of
> at the end, placing a more favorable portion of the voltage standing wave 
> across the active length of the anode/screen region. It does improve on most 
> of the other factors discussed that limit high power at high frequencies, 
> such as 
> lead inductance and screen dissipation. I am working with one of these tubes 
> at present, a TH628. Try Googling this part number. 

Hmmm..filament 20 volts at 1100 amps...I need a larger filament 
transformer and a room to put it in. <:-))OTOH  I guess I'll have to 
pass as the I doubt the single phase 220 coming in would be up to it, 
but man what a signal on 50 and 144 MHz.<:-)) But then I'd need to 
replace the two coax runs and put up a tower strong enough to support 
the coax.   I just worked with the little stuff at 1/4 that power level 
and down in the 100 KHz range. (In the "old days".


Roger (K8RI)
> 73
> John 
>>> This discussion would not be complete without mention of 
>>> tubes which actually take advantage of the transit time 
>>> effect - TWT's (Traveling Wave Tubes) and Klystrons. There 
>>> may be others too. I haven't kept up with recent technology 
>>> in this area.
>> Add to the list the Klystrode (r) or Inductive Output Tube 
>> (IOT) and the Diacrode.  There may be other devices that 
>> combine multiple technologies - like the multi stage depressed 
>> collector IOT (MSDC IOT) - but it's been a few years since I 
>> last worked with the high power UHF devices. 
>>    ... Joe, W4TV 
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