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[Amps] Variacs FS -

Subject: [Amps] Variacs FS -
From: Robert Groh <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:02:11 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
More shop cleaning.  I found a rather surprising number of variable 
transformers (i.e. 'variac') around the shop and they should go off into the 
world and find a new home. I've put all my available variacs in a single web 
< >

description of each item is included in the photo album.  Prices
(without shipping charges) are listed below. 

General notes: prices do NOT
include shipping. Drop me an email indicating which units you are
interested in and your zip code and I will send you back a price which
includes shipping and handling.  I typically use USPS Priority Mail (smaller 
packages), USPS Parcel Post (for heavier items) or UPS Ground (for heavier 
items).  I prefer payment by PayPal but personal check or money order is fine 
too (just takes a lot longer!). 

the variable transformers are 120 VAC input.  Current capabilities
range from 1.75A up to 20A. All have been tested and work well.  I
looked each one over and they seem to be in good condition - wiring,
brushes, etc. 

Units and Prices:
PowerStat 1.75A (two available)                                           $ 20 
General Radio Variac 2.4A                                                    $ 
PowerStat Lab Unit 7.5A                                                       $ 
PowerStat 15A                                                                   
   $ 70
PowerStat 20A                                                                   
   $ 85   

Let me know if you are interested in any.  What folk's don't want will go on 
EBAY in a week or so.

Bob, WA2CKY             
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