My-oh-my, go away for a few days and the topic wanders off screen... sobeit!
Here's a plan for a low noise, well regulated, solar powered, plate supply.
Next week 1000+ Chrysler Dealers are going SK.
Buy 250 car batteries from their going out of business sale and connect them
in series.
Connect 15 volt, 1/4 amp solar panels to each individual battery with a
series diode to prevent back discharge and a 14V 5W zener connected in parallel
to prevent overcharging. Alternatively, scour the junkyards for the dash
mounted VW solar panels which will suffice.
This will provide a 3000-3500V power supply, adjustable in 12 volt steps,
good for an ampere or more, for 24 hours of continuous legal limit transmitting
even if the Sun takes the day off.
Electrically Quiet, Reliable, no untrustworthy transistors, hard to find
cores, nor confusing IC's and no power company expense!
Just don't short the thing or a Megawatt will roam free! :-)
The only specification this scheme won't satisfy from the recent discussion
is the mass requirement.
73 & Good morning,
Marv WC6W
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