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[Amps] hv smps

Subject: [Amps] hv smps
From: Paul Decker <>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 11:46:15 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <">>
Hi Jeff, 

Just so you know, most of that power supply schematic is lifted from Tim Hulick 
W9QQ, and the RF deck is lifted from Dick Stevens W1QWJ. 

I'm not sure it really turns out any cheaper, the core material alone is about 
$100 and if you don't have any hv wire, and sorts, that can add up pretty 
quick.   I was lucky enough to find some power mosfets on ebay , but pricing 
them new was about $10 each.   Add in a big filter cap on the primary $35, then 
the high speed secondary rectifier diode strings about $40. 

For me, it was more about reducing the weight, I thought the 8 pound 
transformer and associated circuits would be neat.    The other part for me was 
that it would be a very intensive learning experience, building and working 
through the circuit in detail, winding the transformer and working with square 
waves, and other such none sense .     

Paul, kg7hf 

>>Given a decent 2KW TX alone can set easily set a guy back $400 or so, a 
>>switching power supply seems the natural evolution for tube amps.  But 
I' >> ve not seen a switcher in a tube amp yet. 

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