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Re: [Amps] Damage?

To: "Pete Smith" <>, "Carl" <>, "Fortra" <>, "Robert Kirkland" <>, "amps" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Damage?
From: "Steve Katz" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 11:50:13 -0700
List-post: <">>
::Twisted pairs are actually pretty well self-shielding and immune to reception 
and radiation of RFI.  Hard to believe anyone would try to market an automotive 
vehicle that won't work when parked at a mountain transmitter site that's home 
to 20-30-40-50 50kW-250kW TV and FM BC transmitters, or at a field site that's 
home to a 50kW AM BC transmitter.  You can generally pull right up and park 
next to any of those.  Not to mention the numerous 1 Million Watt e.r.p. SW BC 
transmitters that are found all over the country, and the world...


Actually, this may not be as farfetched as all that - if I remember 
correctly, some late-model cars are now using ethernet for their data 
communications between the computer, various sensors, and various 
actuators.  I have no clue as to the degree of built-in EMP protection, 
particularly in vehicles with plastic body panels, or the potential effect 
of RFI.

73, Pete N4ZR

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