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Re: [Amps] SB-220 Capacitor Bank

Subject: Re: [Amps] SB-220 Capacitor Bank
From: Jeff Carter <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 22:37:50 -0400
List-post: <">>
I'm thinking about just hot gluing the caps directly to the chassis, I can't 
think of any reason why it would matter.  Terminal up, like you're talking 
about, I can't see how they'd arc.

What do you think?


On Friday June 20 2008 16:20, Commander John wrote:
> Plexiglass can be gotten from anyone who does window glass.  It is trimmed
> by scoring and snapping like window glass.  I call in and have custom
> pieces ready for me and the cost is a buck or so.  Different thicknesses up
> to .25 inch. clear amber or black.  The tool for scribing is cheap at home
> centers. My last use was a plate.  The caps were glued , terminal up with a
> plastic plate over the top.  the Plate is above the capacitors.  Standard
> hardware bolts support it .  I think there is 14 capacitors in my bank.  It
> is not for this amplifier.  Yours are small.  Either hot glue or Duco
> cement will keep them on the plastic. john w9zy
>   vvvvvvvvvvvvv w9zy
> Jeff Carter <> wrote:
>   Hi all,
> When you replace the capacitor bank in an SB-220, considering the
> difference in sizes between new caps and the old ones, how are you securing
> the caps to the chassis?
> I've bought the caps and the resistors, connected them as per the manual,
> but they have to be mechanically secured to the chassis somehow. I don't
> want to use the same arrangement (the plastic plates) as before, I want
> more breathing room for the caps.
> What have you been doing about this, and if you haven't done it, what would
> you suggest?
> I've got some pictures of what I'm talking about at
> if you're not familiar with this amp. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff/KD4RBG
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