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[Amps] Amperex 3-1000H

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Amperex 3-1000H
From: "W5CUL" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 00:56:11 -0500
List-post: <">>
Has anyone heard of an Amperex 3-1000H being used in a Class B Grounded Grid
Linear RF Amplifier application?  The Amperex data sheet only lists it as a
Class C RF Industrial Oscillator.  And all Google searches turn up nothing
other than it being used as an industrial heater.  Most of its electrical
specifications and maximum ratings seem to fall closely inline with that of
the Amperex 3-1000Z.  The exceptions being that it does have a lower Mu (24
as opposed to 200), and lower plate dissipation (850W as opposed to 1000W).


Thank you in advance.




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