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Re: [Amps] New SB-200 owner

Subject: Re: [Amps] New SB-200 owner
From: Steve Thompson <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 15:35:00 +0100
List-post: <>
Peter Chadwick wrote:
> Steve said:
>>I think they can do better linearity than that - the amps I built have 
> all done so at 250-300W/tube. The STC data sheet for 4CX250B gives IMD 
> figures under the typical operating conditions. At 2kV, 325W pep output 
> they give IMD3 -30dBc and IMD5 -50dBc.<
> They can do even better with some negative feedback. The KWS1 (which didn't 
> have feedback) claimed 35dB down, although they don't say if that's relative 
> to PEP or to tone. That's at 1kW input, which would align with Steve's 
> figures.
> But you need a screen supply, and from an economy viewpoint, that can be a 
> trouble.
It needn't be. If you stay simple, a dropper from the anode supply with 
an uncomplicated active shunt regulator costs about a pack of beer. 
Regulation is more than adequate. I begrudge wasting 30W as heat, but it 
saves a transformer.

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