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[Amps] W6PO 2m amp

Subject: [Amps] W6PO 2m amp
From: Hugh Duff <>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 18:31:46 -0400
List-post: <>
Hello all !

I'm testing the homebrew W6PO amp that I just completed and I seem to be 
having trouble getting more than 300 watts out of it.
Before I powered it up I tuned the input and output sections for minimum 
SWR at 144.1 MHz using an MFJ-259 antenna analyzer.

I have the amp connected to an FT-847 exciter and a large Bird dummy 
load.  HV is between 2500 and 3000vdc on the plate.  I see about 300mA 
current on the plate when I'm getting 300 watts out but very little 
current on the grid meter, which I find a bit odd. I 'm using a G3SEK 
Triode board to provide the bias and control. I do see 12vdc bias on the 
cathode during TX.

The 3CPX1500a7 tube was purchased as a medical pull. I have no way to 
verify its condition so there is always a chance it's no good. This is 
my first big tube amp so I'd like to make sure I'm not doing anything 
wrong before I think about buying another tube.

Any guidance will be appreciated.

(Pix of the amp can be seen at  )

Thanks, Hugh VA3TO
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