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[Amps] this reflector

To: "" <>
Subject: [Amps] this reflector
From: "c." <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 18:10:14 -0500
List-post: <>
    I have been on this reflector for quite some time, I have read most 
of the questions, and the "hopefully " answers ." on many questions. 
However, I have always wondered about some of the answers , and so I 'd 
like to know,  (who decides what is discussed here, ) who decides what 
is the "right" answer, and "most importasnt" who decides what is 
important , and is the person "most important to the discussion.!!!!!!!!
      There have been some very important (good) people left out) here , 
and in my mind, some of the best, Buit it seems, That in  so many 
discussions, there is only one person's answer to the question.!!!
         I know for a fact, that at least one of the BEST, has been left 
off this list, (for whatever reason),
          If I get disbarred for my questions, Well , they will appear 
elswhere ~!!
              carl / kz5ca
            P.S. I've been here before.!!!!!!!!!!

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