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Re: [Amps] Clean -vs- Unclean

To: "Tom Cathey" <>,"peter.voelpel" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Clean -vs- Unclean
From: "k0dan" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 20:15:19 -0600
List-post: <>
Hi Tom...

Not sure this will give you the path you need, but the MP (I don't have a
MK-V but think they're the same in this respect?) has an A/B ant RX port.
It's intended to allow use of Beverage or separate antenna for some bands. I
use that input, with a simple switch, to attach a 2-port receiver
multicoupler which allows an outboard receiver to be used alongside your MP
(and PTT lifts the RF off it!). In the past I've used an 8-port active
multicoupler to drive a whole rack of receivers.

Only limitation is the aux RX port is behind the MP's bandpass filters, so
your outboard RX's need to be in (or at least close to) the band selected by
the MP. Also, the 2-port multicoupler  is about 3dB down, due to splitting
(it's a passive device), but that could be compensated by a preamp...most
times on HF, the 3dB difference is not an issue.

Anyway, that's a way to get another RX involved...any comparators or other
switching used for diversity switching, are downline from the antenna ports!

As to your 1000D, I've never used one, but am still impressed with how well
they hold their price and demand...must mean you should keep it!

GL es 73

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Cathey" <>
To: "peter.voelpel" <>; <>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Clean -vs- Unclean

> > One reasons the class A amp capability proved to be >negative was
> > the fact that the transistors de >soldered by themselves on extensive
> > That happened >to two friends of mine...
> > 73
> > Peter
> -------------------
> Vely, bery interesting, Peter!   I passed that info along to my friend who
> is considering the MP.  With what particular rig was this a problem?
> I am also thinking of selling my highly modified FT-1000D to pick up a
> closed-out  FT-1000MP Mk 5,  "at the low low price" of $2150.
> I like the built-in 75W class A feature - wud save me some work on my amp
> project. However, I have dual diversity RX capability in my FT-1000D now.
> 75M Beverage and Yagi in stereo. Outstanding.  Does anyone know if an MP
> be easily modifed to do true RX diversity? It wud require a separate
> input, 2nd  RX and stereo headphone output. And a synced VFO controlling
> both RX's.
> The MP's 6M feature is nice too. I had to modify my 1000D to take a
> transverter in/out.
> BTW, I find it funny that an FT-1000D is over 15 years older and still
> USED for as much as this new MP. I wonder if the marketplace is telling me
> to keep what I have?  :-))
> 73,
> Tom, K1JJ
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