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Re: [Amps] How about this furnace?

To: <>, "R.Measures" <>,"Joe Isabella" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] How about this furnace?
From: "Jason Buchanan" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 08:41:15 -0500
List-post: <>
> In my opinion, running 2.5KW or 10KW in a contest is exactly equivalent to 
> playing in a golf tournament and dropping a ball out of your pocket when 
> no one is looking instead of declaring a lost ball.

Ty Webb: Just be the ball, be the ball, be the ball.  [pause]  You're not 
being the ball Danny.
Danny Noonan: It's hard when you're talking like that.

8dB or not, if you can't use the power or if you can't hear the remote 
station it makes no difference.  And I would dare to say that someone living 
in Coffeyville, KS has a small disadvantage compared to a ham who lives on a 
small island surrounded by sea water off the coast of the US.  Living 20 
miles from Boston affords me NVIS-like conditions to hear 3B8, VQ9 and all 
the other juicy ones (even with my crappy dipoles) but i've never heard a VK 
or JA station - ever.  Plus with a mere 100W I can break pileups for these 
stations but i'd probably need 10KW to achieve the same level of signal to 
JA or VK.  Not even the ACLU nor Jesse Jackson can fix that problem ;-)

73 Jason N1SU

Jason Buchanan - Boxboro, MA

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