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Re: [Amps] shield an RF deck ?

Subject: Re: [Amps] shield an RF deck ?
From: Steve Thompson <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 10:13:44 +0000
List-post: <>
kenw2dtc wrote:
> Is there any pressing reason to put sides and top on an RF deck?  My current 
> amp runs decent power and I don't get into anything (TV, phone or stereo 
> etc.). I would like to build another amp in a locked rack, which is closed on 
> all sides, do I need to shield the deck?
If the rack isn't specifically designed for rf purposes, you can't rely 
on the rf screening properties. Many have fully painted panels, and rely 
on wired connections for electrical safety only. The radiation from 
these can be surprisingly high  - especially at vhf where the panels 
become resonant antennas. If you do the screening, you're in control.

Having said that, I see commercial ham amplifiers where there's minimal 
internal screening, the panels are painted/powder coated and the 
connection between them is tenuous. Beats me how they meet the EMC regs 
to be sold legally in the EU.

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