Do what?
They buy those like any other manufacturer by the case or how many they need.
I'll guarantee they don't take the time to grab each capacitor and check it for
capacitance, ESR, and leakage on an assembly line, then try to match them up!
The ones at Mouser are just as good no matter what anyone tells you, period.
I thought I'd heard the BS before from manufacturers, but that claim reminds me
of those audio amp manufacturers. Ask Alpha if that means your audio will sound
any better, LOL!!!
*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
On 8/21/05 at 4:20 PM wrote:
>I need a opinion. I want to replace the filter caps in my Alpha 78 amp.
>Alpha wants $30 ea for the caps mouser wants $16.40 ea for the exact same
>part number. Alpha claims caps are matched. Any ideas.
> 73 Howard KA6IOB
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