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Re: [Amps] surge limiter question

To: "'David Kirkby'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] surge limiter question
From: "Phil Clements" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 15:50:38 -0500
List-post: <>
> I have been experimenting with some NTC thermistors to use
in a filament  
> transformer 120vac primary to limit the secondary (tube
filament) current flow.  
> The unit showing the most promise, model CL90, is rated at
120 ohms cold,  
> dropping to about 1.2 ohms hot.

Is a resistor not good enough for you? If the transformer is
not huge in 
comparison to that needed, then it will limit the inrush
current. A 
simple resistor will do a bit more.

Amen, David.
I always use a power resistor of the correct wattage for the
job, with a slider contact on it. This not only allows me to
set the exact operating voltage at the tube pins, but it is
also an inrush current preventor. I learned this from Henry
Radio; used on many of their amps/generators.

Phil, K5PC

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