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[Amps] PWD

Subject: [Amps] PWD
From: "Harold B. Mandel" <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 21:09:21 -0500
List-post: <>

The ALPHA clone has passed the "EHT" test as described
so well by our Brit cousins. No arcs, no sparks, no flames,
no explosions and no funny smells.

However, I thought that the HV meter on the ALPHA front panel
was in error when I switched the Anode Supply tap relay to the
"3KV" position. The meter went to 4.5KV, and the Jennings panel
meter on the Anode Cabinet ( with separate resistor network)
showed 4.2KV.

The transformer from PWD says, " 230vac primary, 0-1800-3000 vac
secondary, 3A CCS."

The Anode Supply delivers 2710 VDC in low, and 4550 in high gear,
even with 200K at 200 watt bleeders and a 25 ohm, 225 watt glitch
resistor in series with the output of the supply.

So I measured the line voltage here in Kentucky and I have 257 vac
going into a transformer with a 230 vac primary.

I just hope the 8877's will last long enough to proof test the amp on
all the frequencies. At that point the 3CPX1500A7's go in, and they can
withstand a higher anode voltage.

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