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Re: [Amps] 3-500Z tube recommendations

To: Amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 3-500Z tube recommendations
From: Joe Isabella <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 03:02:13 -0800 (PST)
List-post: <>
Get the RF Parts tubes -- you won't be dissappointed.  I abuse mine in my Henry 
3K-A and they just
keep making power.  The Taylors are the same tubes, but you won't get the 
extended warranty.  They
both have a 1 year warranty, but the RF Parts versions have a pro-rated second 
year and cost $20
more (at least that was the case when I got mine).  Honestly though, I'd 
probably just get the
Taylors if I had to do it again and save the bucks.  

Joe, N3JI

--- Jason Buchanan <> wrote:

> I am thinking about purchasing some new 3-500Z tubes for my Drake L4 - 
> just wondering what recommendations anyone had.  Currently the amp has a 
> pair of 3-400Z Amperex graphite tubes from 1968.  They work fine but one 
> glows a bit brighter than the other and I would prefer to have another 
> set anyway.  This requires the purchase of new chimneys so this will be 
> a two phased approach.
> I made the mistake of buying some old 3-400Z tubes for it only to find 
> out that they had suffered a wee parasite...  so no more 36 year old 
> tubes for me!  Not unless they are properly tested beforehand!
> So what does anyone/everyone recommend?  RF Parts comes to mind but 
> would like to hear the experiences of others who purchased from other 
> companies.
> Thanks
> 73 Jason N1SU
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