Offering the following items for sale.
a. Harrison Plate transformer 3650VCT @ 1-1/2A++ 10 primary 220VAC inputs
perfect for customizing plate voltage for a variety of tubes $210**
b. Collins Radio 7.5VCT@ 24 Amps potted filament xmfr. Multi-tap 210-250
VAC primaries $85+ shipping
c. B&W 850A 10-80 integral coil/bandswitch assembly. W/extra switch
position for 160m. $145+ shipping
d. Rotran High volume muffin fan 110VAC $20+ shipping
e. Pair of high voltage filter capacitors:
1. GE 120mfd @ 3000VDC**
2. 125mfd @ 3500VDC** (were series connected for a 6KV HV
supply) $75 each $125pr.
**Starred items pick up only in New York City, Scranton, PA area, or
anticipate being at the Timonium Hamfest Ron W2CQM New York City _______________________________________________
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