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Re: [Amps] tube cooling

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] tube cooling
From: "Tom McDermott" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 08:49:34 -0600
List-post: <>
A basic problem is that most types of fans move a greater volume of air when
working against a backpressure than they do when working against a

When working against a significant backpressure, a squirrel-cage type blower
will usually move a lot more air than an equivalent muffin fan type blower.

        -- Tom, N5EG

> Could you wise old sages help me with simple question - I seem to recall
> hearing that forced air cooling was not the same as, shall we say, sucked
> air cooling.  Do I remember right?  Seems you could destroy your amp if
> tried to suck the air through the tube(s) tops as opposed to pushing it
> through from the bottoms.
> Advice please.  Thanks in advance.
> Mark, N5OT

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