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Re: [Amps] Best location for snap in replacement caps for SB200

To: "john" <>, " AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Best location for snap in replacement caps for SB200
From: R.Measures <>
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 07:56:00 -0800
List-post: <>

>Hi Amp-folk,
>Where's the best place to buy electrolytics suitable to replace
>those in a SB200.  Snap in 450 v. caps are pretty cheap these
>days, and I wonder if anyone's got a line on a source that physically
>match those in this Heath amp.
***  Modern elecrolytics have more C per unit volume than the
electrolytics of yesteryear.  Finding an exact mechanical replacement
with the same electrical ratings is not likely.   However - more C is OK
as long as the glitch resistor can stand the extra joules/watt-seconds.
--  Digikey and Mouser have a pretty good selection.   105ºC-rated
electrolytics have the longest life..

cheerz,  John
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