>Steven Grant W4IIV wrote:
>> does it matter Rich? to me the single 3-500Z amps today are junk.
>> (junque for the higher classes) my data tells me that at 3,000
>> volts, the max plate current should be 370-400 ma and get 750 watts
>> out of it....how can these amps be linear?????
>Unfortunately, the ARRL lab doesn't seem to have tested the Ameritron
>AL80B (or any of the AL80 series), but the specs call for -35 db or
>better 3rd order IMD. This is the same spec as the Alpha 87. -35 db is
>better than most transceivers:
** Amen, Vic.
>the ARRL lab measured -31 db from the
>Yaesu FT1000-MP Mark V Field in its normal mode, and -40 db in its
>special class-A low distortion mode.
>I think the AL80 series is as clean as most modern amplifiers.
** Agreed, provided that the plate/anode current is pretty much within
the mfg's ratings. .
- R.L. Measures/Rich..., AG6K, 805.386.3734, www.somis.org
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