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Re: [Amps] Ameritron AL-1500

To: "Michael Tope" <>, "AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Ameritron AL-1500
From: rlm <>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 19:34:59 -0700
List-post: <>
>Dave, have you listened to a CW DX pileup lately. As far
>as I can tell from listening to all the lid operators who don't
>even bother listening to the DX there is near ZERO correlation
>between CW proficiency and quality of ham. When I was
>in college I knew of a 20 WPM extra who would get high
>and jam repeaters for fun. I also remember a couple of 20
>WPM extras who spent all of there time in the late 70's
>jamming the Triple H net on 40 SSB and playing Pink
>Floyd records on 75 meter SSB (the FCC eventually
>revoked their licenses). WA4D, isn't that an extra

***  N5PS was the first dude to "go postal".  He killed 14.  
>One of my best friends, and the guy who's personal
>machine shop keeps our mountaintop Field Day happening
>every year is a no-code tech. He is a retired chemical
>engineer whose specialty was designing solid propellant
>rocket motors for the space program. He helped me
>fabricate the custom rotor plate which helps turn our 4
>element 40 meter yagi at the local club. Another no-code
>tech I know sets up and maintains all of our local club's
>linked FM repeater equipment, including the IRLP stuff.
>When horseback riding, he traces out his routes with
>APRS. He is a software engineer by trade. I could go on.
>Your email to Rick will rank up there in the annals of
>rank cheapshots.  I find it ironic that in your
>bio you talk about the kind elmer's who helped you to learn
>CW and get started in ham radio. Too bad they weren't
>as forward thinking as you are. They probably put up with
>all of your stupid questions and didn't even bother to tell you
>what an idiot you were for asking them. Maybe you should
>join the ham radio welcome wagon. I hear they are looking
>for a few good pompous windbags to scare off newcomers
>to the hobby.
>Nice work!
>Mike, W4EF...............................................................
>From: <>
>To: <>; <>
>> Rick--
>>        What does a General class operator intend to do with a modified
>> amplifier that runs 4 KW+  input anyway?  Judging from the callsign, my
>guess is
>> that he intends to run it from a 120 VAC wall plug.
>>        Obviously Rick hasn't the foggiest idea of what he is talking
>> This is one of the dangers, both to Amateur radio and his person, of
>> inexperienced people playing with things they know nothing about.
>>        Perhaps this is some of the great technological treasure trove that
>> W5YI was talking about bringing into ham radio through his NO-CODE
>> 73 de
>> Dave, WT8R
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