Obtain some dead Computer power supplies, the
large bunch of wires exit the metal case through a
large strain relief. Should be about right for
some large AC power cords.
Back in Days of old, when knights were bold,
companies like Heyco made Strain Relief Kits
which had most of the popular sizes. I even
have two Heyco Tools which quickly remove
and install strain reliefs without damage.
A quick web search finds Heyco still in
business. I'm sure Newark Farnell can
supply Heyco Products along with the 5
or 6 google suppliers that hit on the word
Dayton bound this year...
>I am rewiring a couple of SB-220 amps for 220 and need to replace the
>existing cords with 12-3. Anyone have any recommendations for
>type and sources of appropriate strain reliefs?
>cheers, Paul
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