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[Amps] pi-net tanks

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] pi-net tanks
From: 2 at (rlm)
Date: Sat Mar 15 13:45:56 2003
>> >Circulating currents are a function of loaded or operating Q as well as
>> >power (or current or voltage if you like and impedances). Even relatively
>> >small tubes can overheat big wires when operating Q is high.
>> >
>> **  True, Tom. but operating Q is designed in.
>Operating Q varies with loading and tuning setting, and Q also varies with
>power level becuase the load on the device end of the tank changes.
>We may design Q to be a certain value in a certain operating condition on a
>certain frequency, but it is not possible to have anything close to a fixed
>operating Q in the real world.
**  Surely, Tom, but my Heath SB-220's tank-L has never melted.  However, 
it has forced cooling air on the tank and the amplifier Carl is working 
on does not. 

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K,  

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