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[Amps] 8877s, ETO and the General Electric Contract

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] 8877s, ETO and the General Electric Contract
From: RFlabnotes at (
Date: Tue Mar 4 07:36:46 2003
       Thank you for sharing some meaningful data to help counteract some of 
the local QRM. It also helps to support the notion that much of the data that 
is being passed off as fact in these parts, behaves according to perfect 
market economics - its value exactly equals what we are paying for it.

       You said that you didn't want to share any insider info, but I have a 
reliable source who said that your company had done extensive research on the 
use of exotic metals for parasitic suppression  in HF amplifiers ( oh, never 

Eric von Valtier K8LV              
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