I made a chimney out of an Anchor Hocking microwaveable food storage bowl. It
looks simliar to what your description of the lighting fixture sounds like.
However, it passed the test John mentioned. Putting it in a microwave (along
with another container of water) gave no heating at all. It's been working fine
for two years. These food storage things are hard plastic, and come with ears
that make them easy to mount. They are in two sizes, one is about the size you
describe, the other is smaller - pefect for a 4CX800.
"John T. M. Lyles" <jtml@lanl.gov> wrote:
>I hope that the black plastic doesn't contain much carbon, Bob. That
>would make fireworks in a high field. Have you stuck it into a
>microwave oven for 5 minutes to see if it warms from the dielectric
>heating alone?
>>I may have found the solution to coming up with a chimney
>>for the 3CX3000. It is a recessed ceiling lighting fixture
>>made out of a thermoset type black plastic. ?
>>Bob W6TR