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[Amps] Perf Metal

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Perf Metal
From: (BEAR)
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 14:30:59 -0500
The best way to get perf metal locally is to look for sheet metal supplier
(wholesale) and sheet metal fabrication shops in your area. The latter are the
guys with CNC machines that make up stuff commercially.

The sheet metal shop will probably be able to give you a "drop" or just a scrap
or cut you a piece, and the distributor can sell you a sheet 4' x 8' and/or tell
who is buying them in your area, and then you can go to them.

Unless you're in the middle of the desert or deep into mid-america farm country,

there's gonna be these guys in every decent sized city.

Also there is a nice place called "Metals Supermarket" that sells metals of all
wholesale and retail, at reasonable prices with a no chop charges. They just
opened up
a franchise store here in Albany, and my first experience with them was fine.
They would doubtless ship you a bit via UPS, worst case. They have a web site
- but of course I can't find the brochure now that I need it.

            _-_-bear WB2GCR

PS. "cane metal' is for radiators, not ham rigs!  :- )

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