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[Amps] powerline capacitors

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] powerline capacitors
From: (
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 07:04:48 EDT

You're right.  Those capacitors are used to provide capacitive reactance on 
the line.  The long lines, of course, serve as giant inductors.  So, one 
needs some giant capacitors.  I have two such animals in my garage, provided 
by WØAR, and they go with a gargantuan transformer for my "master B+" supply. 
 I have a two-step step start arrangement on the primary, because those big 
caps will suck the guts out of a transformer before they get charged up.  I 
know it takes like 1/2 cycle of AC to do it, but man, what a half cycle!

If you want to drive over to see them, you can.  I don't charge admission for 
PVRC members.  They are so large, I can't measure them but I estimate them at 
250 mfd each, at least.  

Needless to say, bleeder resistors are de regieur, Monsieur!



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