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[Amps] sk1a tube sockets for the 4cx800a tube

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] sk1a tube sockets for the 4cx800a tube
From: (Tom Hix)
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 18:41:34 -0600
For those of you who are not aware Svetlana has stopped making the SK1A tube 
socket. These are the sockets for the 4cx800a/gu74b tubes.

I have several of these sockets on hand, and as far as I am able to tell, I may 
be the only tube distributor in the US that does have the sk1a sockets in stock.

These sockets have been selling on Ebay by some overseas sellers for about $50 

For a short time, I have mine priced at $45.00 each plus shipping. (they are 
still listed at $54.95 on my web site so if you want this price, contact me 
direct) If you have an amp that uses these sockets, you might like to have an 
extra pair of these sockets while I still have them.

I also still sell the fully tested brand new 3-500zg tubes for $115.00 ea plus 
shipping. If you would like to see some comments from customers who have bought 
these tubes, just look on my web site under references. These are the Chinese 
tubes, but dont let that run you off. These are really great tubes, and so far, 
I have never had to replace a single one. Each tube is fully tested before 
shipment, and I have a simple warranty. If you are not happy.....send the tube 
back undamaged for a refund.....period.



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