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[AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu
From: (rich)
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 19:26:30 -0800

>>-  The (your?) reported IMD difference between using a precision shunt
>>screen regulator and a zener-string regulatior was too vast to be true with
>>quality semiconductors.
>Oh dear: the troll is active again.
John plays the Ad Hominem Card.  

>Speaking as the person who some years ago spent a long time making such
>measurements and trying to design tetrode screen-supply circuits which
>combined good performance with good protection, I extensively documented my
>findings in a number of published articles. My measurement results, and the
>conditions under which they were made, have been available in print and on
>the Web for a long time, and anyone is free (indeed encouraged) to repeat
>the comparisons I made and confirm or deny them.  The motive was
>intellectual curiosity, certainly not pecuniary gain. Unlike Rich, I don't
>produce and sell items for the amateur market.
What %  screen voltage regulation did you measure with your zener shunt 

>I would think more of Rich's input to this reflector if it were backed up by
>hard figures and measurement results. Hand-waving statements like the one
>above don't cut it.  And for Rich's information, the zeners used in my
>testing came from a wide variety of sources (Farnell, RS Components, STC as
>they were then) and were all premium full-price branded items -- mostly
>Mullard/Philips. Some were even accompanied by a BS9000 

no doubt about that

>release note. I
>probably still have some of them if anyone wants to volunteer to measure and
>test them and report back here.

At what % of the max dissipation rating did you bias the zeners?
cheers, John

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,  

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