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[AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Shunt regulated high voltage psu
From: (rich)
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:37:44 -0800

>Barry Kirkwood wrote:
>>Which just perhaps leads us back to Ian's comments on the Collins 30S1, 
>>big screen supply with choke input filter in series with anode supply, 
>>bias supply also stiff but value floating with mains variations in 
>>sympathy with the other values.... Add Ian's screen protective sensors 
>>in series with the screen feed?
>>Way to go if you have the iron lying around?
>Not unless you have some very special  iron. The anode-cathode voltage 
>comes from two separate stacked power supplies, connected at the screen 
>(chassis). Therefore the "anode" and "screen" supplies each need to be 
>rated at about one amp. The only regulation in the original 30-S1 was 
>from choke-input power supplies.

-  These supplies use resonant-choke filters.   With simle choke filters, 
the transient V-reg. on SSB would have been unsatisfactory.  

>It relied very much on all the supplies 
>(including G1) varying in proportion to one another... though exactly 
>what that guaranteed in terms of linearity, I'm not quite sure.
>The 30-S1 was very much "one of a kind". Although it contained a number 
>of novel concepts, not many have stood the test of time, and 
>particularly not the split power supplies.
-  Amen, Ian

-  R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,  

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